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Finished Character This Was a character I made for the game adminifight and also my fist attempt at making a character in blender.


This was surprisingly fun but in depth part of the creation process. It felt easy to learn hard to master as there was many types of brushes that were easy to learn but to get the results you want you had to be meticulous and have I would say some artistic skill.


front body image side body image back body image
Full body sculpture in blender.

Just started with a large ball and worked from there for the body. This wasn’t the best idea of a framework but luckily I managed and even made the limbs from the ball as well except for the hands, feet and head.


Hand Sculpture These were very difficult to make and didn’t turn out quite as good as I hoped. In particular the fingers; they were made using meta-ellipsoids and then converted into mesh to use dynamic topology and merged into the body The palm was made in a similar way using meta-Cubes as I the hands are metal I wanted them to look square


Feet Sculpture These were even more difficult than the hands however I feel they turned out looking pretty cool. the toes where made using meta-balls with the same process as for the fingers. The rest of the foot was just sculpted and did take a lengthy time to get it right

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Head sculpture in blender.

This was very difficult for me and had to research many different kind of heads from bears to humans and even robots. The eye was easy just used a simple UV sphere and used a boolean join to the head. However the other eye I feel could of still used some work as I think maybe its too small and the brow and cheeks could use more work. The jaw and teeth I feel were done really well.

Retopology and Texture Painting

Retopology I felt the retopology was done really well in the end however this was the most difficult to do as I was trying to get good edge flow and trying to keep the number of polys as low as I can. This took a few tries before I finally managed it and ended up with some good edge flows except some go a bit crazy. For texture painting I just used some simple colours and nothing really advanced.

Final Thoughts

This definitely took way too long as I was learning as I was going a long, before this I had never made a character before and didn’t even know about any of these things until I did a lot of research. Never rigged it in the end as I stopped work on adminifight after learning the required resources for doing all this 3D. However I feel I’ve gained many new skills and this was more fun than I ever thought this was going to be and now I look forward to any sort of modelling or sculpting in blender.