less than 1 minute read


This is a 2.5D Fighting game and my first game I made.It was made to investigate environmental influences in fighting games and whether that can break immersion in this genre. The goal was to simply beat the other character. Creating falling rocks that could kill the player or the enemy. I had to gather user feedback and create a thesis discussing this problem.


  • Combat
  • Enemy AI
  • Environmental hazards


This was my first step into unreal AI, it can chase and attack the player. It can jump over the obstacles using nav links which does what the name implies and creates a link between gaps of a navigation mesh allowing the AI to take that path.

Final Thoughts

Not much to talk about here, but thought it would be nice to show my first attempt on unreal. Learn a lot of basics of unreal and learnt a lot. It was a wake up call as well, learning just how vast the inner workings of game development truly is.